So after five weeks of classes, M- is still engaged and enthusiastic. He’s managing the bus rides alone, using his cellphone to connect with us, and doing his homework both online and on paper. We’ll find out next week or the one after, when grades are posted, how he did in the first part of the semester. He started back to part-time work this week, two days, and says he’s keeping up with his homework.
He’s having some problems with the verbal part of one class that requires verbal class participation (he says he can’t tell when it’s his turn to speak and when he should stop–not surprising considering his speech difficulties) and I think his reading comprehension is still lagging. But immense gains, nonetheless.
Comment by Gersc — December 11, 2015 @ 1:24 pm
Hi my 7 year old son has recently been evtaulaed at Hofstra Univ. My main concern was inattentive ADD, but the doctor is leaning towards a slow-processing speed. She also suggested OT which he has received in pre school. Honestly, I am hoping to get services through the school district eventually but wanted to move forward sooner than later. I am curious about the cost of OT, and more detail about the therapy? Any info would be very helpful.Thank you,Emily