Sigh…mea culpa time

Posted: October 5th, 2011 under Uncategorized.

So…apologies first, excuses next.   I have shamefully neglected this blog for far too long.   The excuses include having a publishing schedule for fiction that meant writing books half-again longer in the same period of time, the need to keep up the blog for those books and increase the posts to it with the publishing schedule, and some serious health issues in the family (multiple hospitalizations, tests, and surgeries for one family member in the past 18 months.)   But still.  This blog deserves at least a weekly something, and yet…I can’t promise it’s going to get it.   I’ll do my best.

Topics keep coming up, and I make note of them and sometimes even start blog posts over on the writing side of the computer (drafts of posts are in the vaults of the data drive.)    But they haven’t made it through editing and over here.   I’ll be using up these first, in hopes of having time to do some others later.    They’ll be in order of  how finished they are.   (Yes, that sounds lazy.  Yes, it probably is.  But I have a fiction book on deadline and that fiction buys the groceries and keeps power to the computer.)

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